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Can single warm air be different from cold and warm air?

2023-02-09 15:21:26

Single warm air and warm air can be built without any difference, there will not be some people said that single warm air can and no four-way valve, because even if the single warm machine in winter to four-way valve phase defrosting. Before, there were manufacturers to take the same machine and equipment, the process brush single warm and cold set different types of price, to increase profits, now there are not many.


The two are not necessarily different, heating and cooling machine provisions both heating and cooling energy efficiency, generally use plate change, shell and tube heat exchanger; The single heating machine only focuses on the energy efficiency of heating production, and the application of high efficiency tank and tube heat exchanger is more. With the development of technology, high efficiency cans and other commodities cooling skills, parts and accessories tend to be unified, single heating machine and heating machine equipment design scheme basically no difference.

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